Searching and browsing Welcome to this tutorial video on Sherpa Romeo version 2, released in June 2020. This video will cover searching and browsing on the new service. Sherpa Romeo version 2 contains more options for searching and browsing than the first version, to help users find the information they need more quickly and reflecting the requirements of different users of the service. These options include: • Search by journal title • Search by ISSN • Or search by publisher name In addition to three options for searching, you can also browse publications by publisher. I will now give a demonstration of these functions on the new version of Sherpa Romeo. As you can see, the landing page now offers the user different options for searching. You can search by journal title or ISSN, or search by publisher name here. You can also browse publications by publisher. We will start the demonstration by searching for a journal title. For the purposes of this demonstration, I am going to search for the Cancer journal, imagining that I am a repository manager who wants to know if there is an embargo on the accepted version of an article for this journal. As I start to type the journal that I need, I can see that the lookup is trying to match my query to available journals. I can see the Cancer journal at the top here, so I am going to click on the journal as it appears in the lookup. This takes me straight to the journal page. Here I can see the publication information, but I am going to hide this because I don’t need to know this on this occasion. So now I can see the publisher policy, and the new iconography scheme which represents properties of the publisher policy. I am going to scroll down to accepted version and I can see 12m next to the egg timer icon, so I can see that there is a 12 month embargo on the accepted version of this journal article. So, this has given me the information that I was searching for, so I am going to scroll back to the top of the screen and go back to the search page and conduct my next search. My next query is on behalf of a researcher, who has asked me if her published article can be made open access in a journal. However, she has only provided me with the journal’s ISSN. So, this time, I will search by ISSN. The ISSN provided is 1358-8184. I can see the lookup brings the ISSN and the journal which is Child and Family Law Quarterly. This time I will just hit the search button, and I can see that I am taken straight to the journal page, so on this page I can find the information I need for the researcher. I am going to back to the search page, and this time I am going to search by publisher name. So I am going to imagine that I am a publisher, and I want to check that the records for our journals are up-to-date. So, I am going to search by publisher name. I am imagining that I am a member of staff from Oxford University Press, so I am going to search for Oxford University, press the return key and see what happens. So this brings me to four different search results. I can see that there are four results and I can see that here in the middle is Oxford University Press, and if I click on view here, this will take me to a list of all of our available journals, with their print and electronic ISSNs. Then from this page, I can click through the publications to double check that all of our information is accurate and up-to-date. I can see that there are 442 records available, which is correct. So this answers my query and allows me to find all of the information that I need, so I will return again to the search page. Finally, users can browse publications by publisher. This might be useful to a user who wants to get a general overview of publishers who are included on Sherpa Romeo. So I am going to click on browse publications by publisher. The publisher list here tells you the country where the publisher is based, and also how many of their publications are listed on Sherpa Romeo. In addition to this, I can click on country. This will show me all available publishers for each country, so I if I click on Ghana, I can see that there are two publishers who are based in Ghana and I can click on view here to view their publications. For more information on the updated version of Sherpa Romeo, please refer to the about page which contains some more information about migrating to the new service. You can also refer to other videos in our training series. If you have any queries or feedback, please direct these to and the Romeo team will get back to you as soon as possible.